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What is Finer Grounds?
Kaio Publications has teamed up with a ladies' ministry, Come Fill Your Cup, to produce this brand new series of ladies' Bible study books called Finer Grounds. These verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book, meaty, deep digging study of God’s Word are sure to enrich your personal Bible time or study with a group of ladies. Thought- provoking questions help you reach new levels of faith. Studies are thoroughly researched and passages are expertly explained. Lessons are structured in 13-week (one quarter) segments so you can easily share them with your ladies’ Bible class.
Sanctified: Set Apart for a Purpose!: A Study of 1 & 2 Peter
Just who was the man who was so passionate about his Lord and Savior that he walked on water to meet Him and leapt into swordplay to defend Him, and yet anxiously denied knowing Him at the most crucial point of Christ’s ministry?
From his own matured perspective later in life as he penned two epistles, Peter shares his wisdom gained from being a close friend and witness of the Son of God. Even his own hard road of mistakes and rebukes molded him into the loving and caring church leader that he became.
Before his death, Peter needed to ensure his Christian brethren would find their appropriate place in an upside-down world, stand boldly for the truth, and develop the kinds of relationships in the home, the church and the community that would nourish and build up the Kingdom of God as Christ intended.
Join Kristy as she guides you through the works of Peter to gently and lovingly spur you to grasp what he deemed most important. Your role, as a Christian woman in a mixed-up-world, is to be Sanctified, Set Apart for a Purpose!
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